Our Mission
The Griot Party Experience is the the celebration of stories that heal. The Griot Party Experience seeks to create safe places for people of marginalized communities to feel, heal, build and grow.

The Griot Party
Griot is a west African word that means storyteller or poet. Oral history is a custodian of the cultural history of Black and Brown people. The Griot Party Experience encourages the participants to heal via the celebration of story telling. Your story makes you human and anyone who strives to deny you of your story is attempting to deny you of your humanity. The Griot Party Experience is a deliberate attempt to help people claim and reclaim their humanity via sharing their story. Feel. Heal. Build. Grow. Ase. Agape. Namaste. Amen.
Our Founder, Logic Amen, is a sun, Father, recording artist, journalist, writer, educator and former Family Preservation Therapist. Amen has a degree in English Literature, a master's in teaching, and a master's in excitation all leadership. Amen is one of the founding members of CORE which stands for Coalition of Restorative Education. Amen seeks to help the people he serves feel safe and important. His life mission places a high premium on healing via education. Amen is currently serving as an assistant principal at Lincoln High school in Tacoma Washington. He lives in Seattle Washington.